Monday, September 24, 2012

Repition 4

The last and my favorite. This picture repeats the window and the wall that holds the window. I changed the colors to make it look different but it still in the end looked cool and worked.

Repitition 3

This is the third repitition pictures. it repeats the reflection of the window on the left to the window on the right. I really liked the colors of the sky and how it repeated itself with a brighter blue.

Repitition 2

The second, this is a picture of Sydney taking a picture of some wood, while she reflects in the window door to the left. It repeats herself which I found cool.

Repitition 1

The First of the repetitive pictures, this one reflects me taking a picture in a mirrored window. It repeats me twice which i thought was cool

Foreground/Background 4

The Last Foreground/Background, this picture I did something I don't usually do. Instead of a bright vibrant color, I made it a darker color which i though turned out quite well.

Foreground/Background 3

This Foreground/Background is my favorite one It mainly focuses on just this red, blurring the blue around the can. The colors are what I really like about this picture

Foreground/Background 2

The second Foreground/Background was something i liked. it focused on a certain sticker on this ipad that has a cool design with a color that stands out, right on top of the bright red i-pad cover

Foreground/Background 1

This is the first of my four foreground background. What I like about this picture is how the sun shines to create these circle of sunlight, focusing just on two circles.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Leading Lines 6

This is the last picture. The Zebra has the black and white lines, the body moving in a distance as if it would never end.

Leading Lines 5

The fifth picture, this painting has black lines all on it, trying to view it from a lower view looking up, and a small orange light, shining one line down the art.

Leading Lines 4

Like the Brick picture, the wood could be the opposite of wood, but so similar in the picture.The color and the lines are almost the exact same, showing that one line, with small lines above and below.

Leading Lines 3

The third, the door moves to the side, while the lights shine on the door making a bright white line

Leading Lines 2

The second, theses are the bricks found in the courtyard at Drew. I enjoyed the bricks and the one long line going straight forward

Leading Lines 1

This picture is the first of the six of leading lines. I found this in the art room of the lights and found a long leading line, going down as if forever.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Rule of Thirds #6

Like the 5th picture, Hao represents the Rule of Thirds

Rule of Thirds #5

Hao again represents the Rule of Thirds, this time his Body filling up1/3 of the picture

Rule of Thirds #4

Hao Represents the Rule of Thirds, his hat showing Rule of Thirds

Rule of Thirds #3

The Photo was taken from a birds eye view, the boy sitting on the bench, representing a Rule of Thirds

Rule of Thirds #2

The stairs express the Rule of Thirds Horizontally

Rule of Thirds #1

The wood through the window expresses the Rule of Thirds