Friday, October 26, 2012

Macro 6

The last macro picture. I believe it looks as if it is climbing up a rocky mountain. Or it is simply walking down a rocky road.

Macro 5

This picture shows macro as it sits on the bench. To me it looks like it is the same size of the person in the background, if not bigger.

Macro 4

The picture here looks as if it is defying gravity. The reason why I wanted to put it on its side is because it looks as if it is jumping off the edge of a building.

Macro 3

I put the toy next to the modernization of the monkey to the human being because it looks just like a monkey and could as well fit the part in the picture.

Macro 2

In the next photo, i put the toy next to a picture that i found could blend in well with if black and white. To me it looks as if it is part of the basketball team.

Macro 1

The first of 6 macro pictures. the one here is a toy looking at what a picture of a kid is looking at. Though at first it may look just like a rock, what the two are looking at is really a turtle.

Monday, October 15, 2012

8 Portrait Photos #8

My finaly Photo which Leah had to copy. What i like about this photo is that you cannot see her face but her hair and a single white bow.

8 Portrait Photos #7

The model trying to wink, is unable to completley open one eye while the other is closed. Though it may not be her best photo, it shows how nothing is perfect

8 Portrait Photos #6

One of the Final Photos of the models happy side. I never understood why she tilted her head to one side but it forces the viewer to look the the photo sideways to see her face centered.

8 Portrait Photos #5

Another photo of the models happy side. Looking away from the camera because of a conversation with a fellow friend. She cannot help but show a smile.

8 Portrait Photos #4

The fourth picture, this shows the sad side of the model. I wanted to get a picture of the model shoiwn sadness because though she may always look happy, I believe there may be a sad side to her as well.

8 Portrait Photos #3

The third photograph represents the models fun side. She holds up her hands showing a sign of peace. The contrast of the darkness of her hair to the white of the wall.

8 Portrait Photos #2

The second of the eight. The model wanted to show a smile because of her happy personality. The lighting shows a little bit of a dark side to her. But overall a happy person.

8 Portrait Photos #1

The first of the eight portrait photographs.My model was showing her angry side. She is holding the anger back, trying not to show a face that could be seen as scary or ugly. It was hard for her to even show an angry face because she is always a bright happy person.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Motion 4

The last motion picture. Her arms were rotating in a circle, making her arms to look like a blur but her body to stay in the same position

Motion 3

The third motion picture, the hands were moving but the body its self was not. I thought it was cool because only part of the body was in motion.

Motion 2

The second motion picture. What i liked about this picture was how the movement of the body makes it look like she isn't moving but at the last second she is.

Motion 1

This was the first motion picture taken. I moved the camera slightly to make it look like the building was moving when it was just the camera its self moving.

Light Painting 2

This was the other Light Painting. It was the same subject, but what really made it cool was the different colors that we could make the light. It was a different pose but it was just as cool.

Light Painting 1

What i liked about this light painting was when drawing the body of my subject,t he light surrounds it, though the subject is dark, the light brings out the body, showing where the head, legs and arms are.