Thursday, December 6, 2012

Ansel Adams #8

The last of the eight Ansel Adam's photos, this one I thought was a great way to end it. The tree alone, with a landscape of lava and new plants re-growing.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Ansel Adam's #7

This photo is one of my favorite photographs. The landscape holds the sand, followed by the ocean waves and the shadowy chairs viewing the side of the photograph. It has so much hidden meaning behind it to me and I love it.

Ansel Adam's #6

Just like the first photograph, it looks very much like the tree, only the rocks replace the tree followed by the vast ocean and the setting sun. It all seems so peaceful.

Ansel Adam's #5

The perspective of the long road of the bushes followed by the trees farther down, really makes the landscape photo smaller, but much longer.

Ansel Adam's #4

The bottom of the rocks, added with the water creates a beautiful landscape photo. The white water, including the top part of the grey water really brings out the sand, and the dark detail of the rocks.

Ansel Adam's #3

This picture I thought went well because it distinctly looks like a great landscape photo. With the addition of the detail of the bridge, looks amazing with the land.

Ansel Adam's #2

The second, it to me looks just like an outline of the rocky hills of the Seattle which Adam's took. The sun shining on the water really brought great lighting to the picture.

Ansel Adam's #1

The first of eight photo's. The reason I made this the first photo was because it looked just like one of Adam's famous photos of a tree in front of the bright light of a sun. Although it is not as big, I saw it as a tribute to Ansel for his great photographs.