Thursday, January 17, 2013

Word Art #10

This picture is the last photo. I enjoyed the picture because I love bridges but the words was also fun to make because it was falling.

Word Art #9

The second to last photo. This picture has many words to compliment it but what I thought would go best would be the youth and how young but mature the model is.

Word Art #8

This photo is found in Neiman Marcus. The gold colors are very vibrant and I really thought this would be a great photo.

Word Art #7

Taking a picture of the city lights, it was beautiful because these lights are only on for the Christmas Holidays.

Word Art #6

What I liked about this picture was all the different colors. Because of all the different colors I decided that the word color would be perfect because that is what I thought of as the first word.

Word Art #5

The fifth photo, Leah made a position that looked almost like a starfish and so I decided that would be the perfect word for this picture.

Word Art #4

This picture to me looked like a super hero within the dark. Superhero's hide themselves from their true identities being found out and because I could not see the face and because of the super hero body position, I thought Superwoman would fit.

Word Art #3

This photo looked as if there was hope. Leah helped me with this photo, explaining what she saw was hope which I completely agreed with.

Word Art #2

I used paradise to explain this photo because it looked as if it was paradise because it was. The locaiton was Hawaii and everything in it looked amazing.

Word Art #1

This was the first photo. I decided to use the words winter night because although the climate looks nice, it was actually a very cold day. I mainly used words that described the photo either explaining how it looks, or explaining truth behind the picture.